KIWI RIDER OCTOBER 2017 VOL.1 | Page 101

Please check with organisers before event in case of cancellations, errors or changes in dates. ail Ride, teroria, 4, Tangiteroria. nd under $15, food available all day. 275444291 dhill Forest) day, tracks suitable sses available. 09 420 8879, ut bookings essential S ycle Training days a week, ing, and confidence vanced roadcraft. n 0800245387 d Monthly Ride Out ast Saturday of each Motorcycles at 72 puna. 10.00. Professionally otorcycle training ble on the ride for able ride lasting 2-3 op en route. 970648 etrainingnorthshore. point-road-rideout/ r 0276998089 cle Club ining nz 274231433 CLUB SECRETARIES: If you want your event listed here FREE, as it has always been for our Events pages, please fax the details to KR EVENTS, (09) 411-7815 or email Always check with organiser for cancellations.