and , of course , we would have a few cold ones and talk shit , like you do . Before the Internet his columns would arrive in the mail and then by fax , and the invoice accompanying it was another story ... we used to pass them around the office and piss ourselves with laughter , as his dry wit deserved .
Just prior to his passing we had been exchanging emails about the floods in Kumeu and Roger mentioned he had lost a few old magazines and books in his shed last year to a flood in Napier . He signed off with this ... ‘ I have bought a box of dear Stellas ( she has always been good to me ) and no kidding , I had a cold one this arvo and raised a toast , and chirpy thoughts , to you and the chaps .’ ‘ Right , Stella is calling me ... again !’ I raised a few libations in his honour when I learnt of his passing ... and I have raised a few more since . Cheers Moroney , write on that man .
Wayne Anstis - New Zealand Classic Motorcycle Racing Register ( via Facebook ) Roger ’ s unique character incisive wit and humour coloured many racing reports ,