Kiwi Rider May 2022 Vol.1 | Page 27

yeah ...?” Nope . The Continentals are stunningly retro , including not having a waterproof liner – straight outta the 80s . The thought of it took me back to my teenage misery of wearing plastic bags on my feet inside my boots any time it even threatened to rain . My feet were either wet from rain , or wet from sweat . I ’ ve done that , got the badge and don ’ t intend to start again . As a sunny day boot though , they look cool as hell . This is when my gaze shifted to the Matrix boots ... “ Do those ones have a waterproof liner ...?” “ Yup , sure do !” came the cheery reply . Done . I walked out lamenting not having the beauty of the Continentals , but happy with the
Matrix ’ s mix of retro-style and the performance of modern materials . Stylmartin bills the Matrix boots